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Customizing Safety Products: Is It Worth It?

When you are shopping around for safety and marking products there are millions of items you can choose from. With so many options, why would you want to create a custom product? Some companies don't want to spend the extra money or take the time to personalize a safety product - but in some cases, I think it's worth it.

When would a custom product be the way to go?

One instance would be to create a cohesive look for you safety program. Using products that have a logo, message or graphic specific to your company will tie elements of your safety program together. For example, you could add your logo to certification cards, banners and other training materials to create a standard look and feel to your training program.

Customizing safety products with company-specific elements can also help employees feel a sense of pride or responsibility for the program. By tying the identity of the company directly to the safety program, it can help show employees that the company is serious about safety and in turn encourage them to work safely.

Another reason to customize safety products would be to make your safety messages more effective. No one knows your employees and visitors better than you. Therefore, you are best-suited to develop the safety messages that will be seen every day in and around your facility. If there is a specific message you want people to understand, say it loud and clear the way you want to say it with a customized product.

Also, there are instances where you may not be able to buy a safety product that says what you need to say or looks exactly the way you want it to. In those instances, customizing an existing product can be the best solution.

What should you customize?

There are many types of products you can customize. One sign I would recommend customizing is a sign. Signs, while many are required to have the standard OSHA headers or meet MUTCD regulations, offer you a large area to put a custom message. I would also suggest customizing safety training products. As I mentioned earlier in the article, adding your logo or a unique message to your training materials can help show employees that the program is integral to the way you run your facilities. Finally, customizing tags and labels can also be useful if there is a specific message you need to communicate or certain procedures employees need to follow.

So, next time you are thinking about purchasing safety products, take a minute to think about customization. It is a great option and can, in some instances, help you create a stronger, more effective safety program.

Christie Mendola is a safety specialist for Emedco - a leading supplier of safety and marking products for all areas of your business. Visit

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